I've been rather busy of late. So many things have been going on. Time for a little update.
Work is manic, but it looks like from the end of September I will be on the market for work again. A little nervous about this but I'm contracting so it is to be expected I suppose. I've had a contract with the same company for over a year so I've done exceptionally well for a contract that was for 3 months. :D
I've recently completed my Reiki level 1 and thoroughly enjoyed it, I'm due to start my level 2 shortly. I attended a Herbal Medicine workshop, here are the results. Being well used I must say.

I decided to do a diploma in Herbalism and another in Aromatherapy, so they are in progress.
The garden is doing well, some things aren't quite doing what I expected them to, but its a learning process isn't it and this is my first year and I started a little late due to moving in late.
Progress is being made in the house, the bathroom is nearly complete after finding woodworm and having to replace most of the floor. Kitchen is functioning, and we've had a quote for a multi-fuel burner in the living room. Just to get it ordered and paid for now I suppose.
And I got stung by a bee, 6 times. Poor thing, got tangled in my skirt.