Monday, 7 February 2011

We have a house


The purchase went through on Friday and we are now moving our stuff from this small rented cottage into a spacious 3 bed semi, with garden and most importantly for me... a greenhouse. We've moved the plants in and once we're fully sorted will get on with planting. :)

I spent the time after I finished work sat on the floor in what will become my office, sorting through some of the boxes we've taken over.

Much more packing and sorting and transporting to do, but we should be settled in quite quickly. We've subsequently found some things we hadn't spotted before so we need damp proof specialist in and also need to get some things sorted which the previous owner has botched. However as we will be redecorating and rearranging all this was to be expected really.

First things to go are the carpets. Mum has put claim to the living room carpet and we will need to get that out soon.

All exciting and relieved and daunted by the work ahead of us. I will be worth it in the end though. :)

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

A bit in limbo

This is a bit of a moany post to be fair. Hubby and I are in the process of buying a house, it needs some work but when we're through with it, it will be our home for the foreseeable future. We saw the house in September and put an offer in which was accepted, there is no chain so in theory we could have been done within 8 weeks. We're still waiting, the estate agent seems uninterested, the vendors solicitor seems to be a little wet behind the ears and has required "prompting" by our solicitor to get any answers to our questions. On Friday we went and signed all the paperwork, we're now waiting for the solicitors to agree when to exchange contracts. I do hope that this is sorted soon, it seems to have dragged on far too long.

I have so many plans which I can't proceed with until we are in the house. I want to get into the garden but there is little point getting any seedlings on the go as it will be just more fragile things to move between homes otherwise.

I can't buy any of the white goods we're going to need for the house, so as an interim measure I have bought a multi-pan and also a tabletop twin hob. So at least we can have hot meals once we've moved in while we wait for a cooker. Washing clothes will either have to be done by hand for delicates or taken to parents until a washer turns up, and as its still quite cold outside a coolbox in the garden will have to be our fridge. We'll get by and it will be an adventure. But we have to get into the house first.