Sunday, 29 March 2009

I have more little seedlings!

Well time for a little progress update. I have little carrot and purple sprouting broccoli seedlings. Last week I planted out my infant salad bits into the plastic greenhouse and they seem to have survived the cold snap during this last week. So a little bit of success this week. I'm so happy. The cats did behave and didn't trash my salad seedlings whilst they were in the lean-to.

My potato seedlings are beginning to poke their heads through the soil (about 3-5mm at most). The rest of the garden is looking pretty with daffi's and forsythia in bloom. Even my apple and plum trees have nice little buds which will hopefully open out soon.

Alas, not so lucky with the tomato or bean seeds, haven't seen even a whisper of a seedling. Will plant some more this next week so see if I have better luck. Thankfully its not too late to be planting them so here's fingers and toes crossed.

Sunday, 15 March 2009

A Gardening update

I thought it time to provide a little update. I've now planted a couple of tomato seeds, carrot seeds (in the tubs in the piccy), potato seedlings, purple sprouting broccoli and broad beans. I'm hoping they'll take, I guess I'll know in the next couple of weeks if they are going to be successful.

My little lettuce seedlings are coming along nicely. I've moved them to the lean-to to start hardening them off for going outside. My cats have shown a little interest in them up but a quick finger point and a firm "No", they've shrugged and gone outside. They have no doubt suitably ignored me and I'll find the whole lot trashed on the floor in the morning. Fingers cross my cats behave, but I think I'm going to be disappointed. Another week in the lean-to and I'll try transplanting them into the plastic greenhouse to mature. Will have to get another batch going so I can try keep in lettuce through the summer.
More updates soon. :)

Sunday, 1 March 2009

Pot Seasoning

I decided today that due to the lovely weather it was time to season my cooking pot/cauldron, so I got out the old BBQ, filled it with charcoal and set it going. I've had a great time, heating up some water in it, emptying that out and then liberally oiling it to stop it going rusty.
After all of this I decided to try make singin hinny on outside on the girdle pan. Yay! So nice and didn't taste as smoky as I thought it might. Final cooking exploit was the usual baked potatoes.

Next time I think I'm going to have to try actually cooking in my pot :)
What a way to spend a Sunday.